Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Located right in the center of Chelsea, BRGR will give you some of the best burgers in town.  When you walk in to the joint, you would probably be expecting some sort of McDonald's type of ambiance.  Instead, you are wowed by the raw space, but at the same time, impressed by the pop art that covers the rest of the restaurant.  You order with the helpful but not exceptional staff, then sit down at the table of your choice.  You barely have to wait 10 minutes before the food is brought to your table by the staff.  I think I speak for all when I say that everyone just smells the burger for at least 20 seconds before opening your jaw agape to devour the delicious burger.  I highly recommend ordering the double patty burger because it gives you even more of their delicious meat to eat.  The bill is not expensive at all and what makes you feel even better about the meal is that all the beef and bacon is grass fed and that all of their lettuce and tomatoes and mushrooms were all grown on an organic farm.  I give this excellent burger joint a 9/10.


Anonymous said...

You know that I do not eat beef or bacon. What is there for me? Chicken? Vegys? Think about poor ol' Grampy.

Love, Grampy

Dotblock said...

Well, Grampy will just have to manage! I LOVE a great hamburger and miss my old favorite, Hamburg Heaven, which closed long ago. It wasn't a place to "dine"~ the seats had little writing surfaces attached, like school desks, in one long row. But the relish and the burgers were the BEST. Love, Dotblock

norm magnusson said...

I wonder how it compares to my fave: the Corner Bistro

Unknown said...

sounds good ! I would love to take you to a hamburger place when I am in NY next time. Select a good one for us ...

Anonymous said...

Since I was lucky enough to go to BRGR with you and Owen I can attest to the truth of your words. This is truly a delicious hamburger and since it's grass-fed and organic I could eat it without fear. I had sweet-potato fries which were exceptional.
I had not noticed the decor and am happy that you write about it. Your descriptions are excellent.
Love, Bubby